More Voter Fraud Uncovered? 45,000 Ballots THROWN OUT in California! Lawsuit Filed.
Donald Trump famously said there were at least 5 million fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election. Although he took a lot of heat for...
Donald Trump famously said there were at least 5 million fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election. Although he took a lot of heat for...
Good! Now let’s take it a step further and investigate him for inciting violence, or threatening violence, or some sort of charges! It really seems...
Please excuse me while I LOL loudly! This candy-ass Justin Trudeau is not only a candy-ass feminized liberal but he’s also now a massive...
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Malik is my favorite Obama brother! In case you don’t know him, Malik Obama is Barack...
Oh wow, look how unpopular Trump is…. Yeah, or not! Don’t believe a word the Fake News tells you. Believe your eyes. Looks at these...
That’s right, that’s the breaking news article that was just published at The Daily Caller. Folks, this has gone way beyond anything we should tolerate...
This is sickening… If you wanted proof that Charlottesville was a setup from the beginning, here you go! I’ve said it all along. Trump fans...
The only hate on display at the Trump Arizona rally was predictably from the protestors. Have you ever been to a Trump rally? I’ve been...
This reminds me so much of the election. I remember watching in city after city where lines formed in the morning for multiple blocks, many...
Despite what the Media wants you to believe, President Trump remains incredibly popular! And no where more so than with our armed forces. For 8...