WikiLeaks Just EXPOSED Robert Mueller (Again!)
It looks like WikiLeaks has a new target, and I couldn’t be more happy. WikiLeaks was key in taking down Hillary Clinton by exposing the...
It looks like WikiLeaks has a new target, and I couldn’t be more happy. WikiLeaks was key in taking down Hillary Clinton by exposing the...
Will this be enough to take him down? A new video has just surfaced and it’s fantastic. It’s just 2 minutes 32 seconds long,...
Pretty incredible. The man can’t pay for anything himself. Including, allegedly, a Sunday paper. You’d think this was a joke or an SNL skit or...
Well, of course it’s brilliant – it’s Trump’s master plan. While all the lames in the Media have been having a field day with Trump’s...
Very important, we need your help! Do you see these idiots in the picture above? It’s time we stop them from laughing at us! They’ve...
This is why we love this guy! He says what we all are thinking! That is, if we all are real Americans and not social...
It was major news today. Reince Priebus is out as Chief of Staff. And let’s be honest, why was he even there in the first...
I have always loved William Shatner. From Captain Kirk to Denny Crane, the man is a legend. And it appears he has a good...
The House just passed a new spending bill and it looks fantastic! The bill meets all of Trump’s requests: a BIG boost of the military,...
President Trump is not messing around. While Obama ignored our crime problem, and some would argue contributed to it, President Trump is dead set on...