Video: National Rifle Association DESTROYS Don Lemon, CNN With Hilarious Parody Ad
CNN, as sanctimonious as a shed full of scientists, has put out a campy “an apple is an apple” ad on the internet, obviously aimed...
CNN, as sanctimonious as a shed full of scientists, has put out a campy “an apple is an apple” ad on the internet, obviously aimed...
Did you buy into the hype that the sky was falling when Britain left the EU? Pure fear mongering. It turns out Britain is doing...
Talk about turncoats! Wow. Just wow. What a difference 24 hours can make I guess. Even for politicians, this is really two-faced! It was...
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of good news coming out about FoxNews these days. A long-standing champion of the right/conservative voice in America,...
Some disturbing allegations have surfaced about the former Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence, Joshua Pitcock. His wife has been connected with disgraced...
You gotta love this guy. “The People’s President!” We reported yesterday that Trump was beginning a 17-day stint away from the White House, heading up...
The Trump brand is internationally recognized, and has been for many many years… Long before Donald Trump decided to run for President. And with that...
It’s getting worse, not better, for gross “comedian” Steven Colbert. I’ll admit it. I never really thought his “schtick” was funny. His act. The...
Trump is setting a record he doesn’t like…..the longest any new president has went without having his full cabinet confirmed. We know the democrats can’t...
There isn’t really all that much remarkable about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She may have won in her upset primary victory in New York’s 14th District against...