Bernie Sanders Likes to "Redistribute" (steal) His Neighbor's Newspaper! -

Bernie Sanders Likes to “Redistribute” (steal) His Neighbor’s Newspaper!

Pretty incredible.

The man can’t pay for anything himself.  Including, allegedly, a Sunday paper.  You’d think this was a joke or an SNL skit or something, but it’s apparently real.


A new report from the IJR says that Bernie stole so many papers from him neighbors that they had to report the theft to the Washington Post.  Stunning.  Bernie loves living the GOOD LIFE, he just refuses to pay for it!

And this man had the nerve to lecture a self-made Donald Trump on anything?  Please.

This seems like a good opportunity to post my favorite meme of the year:

Check out the report from the IJR:

Apparently, Bernie Sanders is a rare politician who practices what he preaches.

The self-proclaimed Socialist Senator from Vermont, who would have been the Democratic nominee for President had the DNC not conspired against him, is out to prove to America that collectivist society does indeed work, one stolen newspaper at a time.

Besides advocating a platform of big socialism, like government-run health care and higher taxes for pretty much everyone, it seems Sanders also personally advocates a platform of micro-socialism by stealing from his neighbors every Sunday.

According to WMAL radio host Chris Plante, Sanders has been appropriating his bourgeois neighbor’s newspaper for the common good (meaning his good). Sticky fingers Sanders demonstrated the principles of common ownership to his capitalist neighbors by stealing so many of their newspapers they were forced to complain directly to the producer: The Washington Post.

“He’s redistributing his neighbor’s Washington Post,” the radio host said.

More serious than this newspaper theft is the federal fraud investigation of Bernie’s wife.

From Politico:

Bernie Sanders was in the midst of an interview with a local TV reporter early last month when the senator fielded an unexpected question about an uncomfortable matter.

“There’s an implication, and from at least one individual, an explicit argument that when they called for an investigation into Burlington College that you used your influence to secure a loan from People’s United—”

The senator cut him off.

Sanders is used to fielding softball questions from an adoring local press, but his inquisitor, Kyle Midura of Burlington TV station WCAX, had a rare opportunity to put him on the spot. Investigative reporters had been breaking stories about a federal investigation into allegations that the senator’s wife, Jane Sanders, had committed fraud in obtaining bank loans for the now defunct Burlington College, and that Sanders’s Senate office had weighed in.

Sanders had never responded to questions about the case, but he took the bait this time. Briefly.

“Well, as you know,” he said, “it would be improp— this implication came from Donald Trump’s campaign manager in Vermont. Let me leave it at that, because it would be improper at this point for me to say anything more.”

Midura leaned in. “You’ve previously said it was nonsense.”

“Yes,” Sanders responded, “it is nonsense. But now that there is a process going on, which was initiated by Trump’s campaign manager, somebody who does this all of the time, has gone after a number of Democrats and progressives in this state. It would be improper at this point for me to add any more to that.”

End of conversation. But not the end of the investigation or the potential for damage to the senator from a small New England state who has rocketed to the top of the world of progressive politics nationwide.

Sanders and his wife have been trying to ignore the federal investigation since reporters for VTDigger, an online publication, confirmed the FBI’s involvement in April. The original request for an investigation into the potential bank fraud did indeed come from Brady Toensing, an attorney who chaired Trump’s Vermont campaign, and whose January 2016 letter to the U.S. attorney for Vermont put federal agents on the trail. (Toensing, in an email to Politico Magazine, notes, “The investigation was started more than a year ago under President Obama, his Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and his United States Attorney, all of whom are Democrats.”)

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