Did Ben Carson Just Find Obama’s Secret Piggy Bank?
“Errors are common, but not of this magnitude.” That’s right, Ben Carson has reportedly found over $500 Billion (that’s Billion with a B) in “errors”...
“Errors are common, but not of this magnitude.” That’s right, Ben Carson has reportedly found over $500 Billion (that’s Billion with a B) in “errors”...
If you ever wanted proof of Fake News and collusion in the media, here it is. Fusion GPS is the “research firm” that put together...
What is wrong with this guy? He claims to be a Republican, but just like his buddy John McCain he never acts like one!...
Stick with me on this, because it’s starting to get deep… But we might have just found a HUGE new link in the Seth Rich...
What is going on tonight? Just an hour ago, we brought you the breaking report out of Orlando where an explosive went off in a...
Well that didn’t last long! Megyn Kelly’s disastrous Sunday night “news” program has just been pulled by NBC. According to Breitbart, the show was pulled...
President Trump is not letting up in the fight against ISIS. Thank you! Please continue until not one is left standing! Today news broke that...
This is so great. If you haven’t been following the story, here’s what happened. J.K. Rowling, famous for writing the Harry Potter books, is...
This is not good. Quite frankly, I’m not sure why President Trump is going along with this. I just have to hope that he has...
It’s looking like former DNC-chair Debbie Wassermann Schultz may be taking the fall. When you start seeing phrases like FBI affidavit and criminal investigation, you...