Is Hell Frozen Over? CNN Just Sided With Trump!
Please, someone check on the status of Hell. Is it frozen solid? ย Quick, someone ask Hillary she lives there! Sorry, that was totally inappropriate. ย She...
Please, someone check on the status of Hell. Is it frozen solid? ย Quick, someone ask Hillary she lives there! Sorry, that was totally inappropriate. ย She...
Jeff Sessions is on a roll this week! First he announced he had filed charges against four White House leakers! Then he announced he re-opened...
Mark down another win for President Trump! “We’re going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning!” Truer words have never been...
What a smart man! Any successful business person knows that to get the true story of how a business actually operates, you talk to the...
This is not deja vu….. You might think you read this story a few weeks ago. ย Foxconn (the huge Apple supplier from China) just announced...
The Trump Boomerang strikes again! If you attack Trump, you’d better be on guard because the attack is likely to boomerang back on you! We’ve...
I’d love to see this go viral on Facebook instead of the garbage from the Crooked Media. ย We have a GOOD MAN in the...
Donald Trump is very smart. He knows he’s in the fight of his life against the “Deep State” or “Shadow Government”. As he just said...
You gotta love this guy. “The People’s President!” We reported yesterday that Trump was beginning a 17-day stint away from the White House, heading up...
The master is at it again! When Trump first learned how much the U.S. government had committed to pay, he Tweeted out his desire to...