Trump Wins! Miami-Dade Gave Up Sanctuary City Status! -

Trump Wins! Miami-Dade Gave Up Sanctuary City Status!

Mark down another win for President Trump!

“We’re going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning!”

Truer words have never been spoken.

That’s right, after attempting to fight the Trump administration over illegal immigration, Miami-Dade just conceded and gave up trying to be a sanctuary city.

I guess they realized they couldn’t win and needed the federal aid money.

Trump wins again!

Please LIKE + SHARE so a liberal can read this!  😂

Here’s more on the story, from

The Department of Justice informed Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez on Friday that the city is in full compliance with federal immigration requirements and will receive grants dependent on said compliance.

In a letter to Gimenez, Acting Assistant Attorney General Alan Hanson said the county is eligible for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) grants.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions last month said the federal government would withhold those grants, which channel federal criminal justice aid, from so-called sanctuary cities that refuse full compliance with the federal goverment on immigration enforcement.

In a memo to the Miami Board of County Commissioners, Gimenez said Miami-Dade will receive a $481,347 JAG grant thanks to its compliance with the federal requirement.

In February, Miami-Dade became the first – and so far, only – major city to reverse its sanctuary policies.

Gimenez was sharply criticized by immigration advocates for the move, a reversal of a sanctuary policy in place since 2013.


Trump and Sessions are on a roll!  Great work fellas!

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