Mattis: Massive, Overwhelming Military Response to North Korea Coming
After meeting with President Trump, Gen. Mattis now warns of massive response to North Korea after he met with President Trump today. Not good news...
After meeting with President Trump, Gen. Mattis now warns of massive response to North Korea after he met with President Trump today. Not good news...
Talk about rubbing salt in the wound! We finally got this guy out of office, but he’s still burning taxpayers. To the tune of $1,153,000...
Well well well, what do we have here? The holier than thou entity attacking Christians and regular Americans, otherwise known at the Southern Poverty Law...
Is the case to “Lock Her Up” kicking into high gear? We have not forgotten about you Crooked Hillary! When we said “Lock Her up”...
Julian Assange in a hero. That’s right. Absolute hero, for exposing truth! And he’s living in exile because of it. Rumors have swirled recently that...
James Woods is awesome! This guy is fearless. He speaks whatever is on his mind, and he is NOT politically correct. And he is very...
You just gotta love this guy! Not only is he doing everything he can professionally as POTUS, but he’s also an American citizen and he’s...
It was just admitted in Court! That’s right, veteran Democrat CHIEF election official down in Florida just admitted in a Court proceeding that noncitizens (their...
This is real. It’s not Fake News. It’s not satire. It’s not a joke. I know, it seems like it HAS to be made up....
Despite President Trump’s efforts to de-escalate the situation with North Korea’s chubby dictator, the guy isn’t wising up. Instead he keeps firing off missiles. And...