Why Do So Many Politicians and Celebrities Have Black Eyes? - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

Why Do So Many Politicians and Celebrities Have Black Eyes?

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Ok friends, stick with me on this.

I’m not drawing any conclusions or making any claims as to WHAT is behind this.

I’m just saying I noticed it and it’s DAMN WEIRD.


We all on the same page?

Ok, so the question is why do so many high level celebrities and politicians all have black eyes at some point in their lives and careers?

And why is it almost always the left eye?

And why do they all look very similar?

You can say I’m crazy for asking  the question.

You can say each person has an explanation for what happened — and they sure do!  They all have a story.  Odd stories, but they all have stories.

But let me ask you a question:  have you ever had a black eye yourself?

Anyone in your family ever had a black eye?

I started trying to think back and I can’t remember personally ever having one nor can I remember anyone in my family ever having one.

But the rate among top celebrities and politicians seems to be extremely high.

What gives?

Again, I’m just asking questions.

As a once-great news station would say, “We report, you decide.”

So anyway, let me just show you and then you can draw your own conclusions:

Bush, Kerry, Royals, the Pope:

So weird they all seem to be running into door knobs:

Bad shiner by the Pope:

Even “Sir” Richard Branson took a bad one:

Harry Reid’s is really bad:

Which reminds me of my favorite Dennis Miller joke:  “Harry Reid?  That’s not a name, that’s a bad medical condition!”

Again, we’re not drawing any conclusions, but here’s what The Sun had to say:

NUTTY conspiracy theorists have claimed celebrities with black left eyes are marking themselves out as members of the ILLUMINATI.

Actors, musicians, politicians, and even the Pope have all been snapped with shiners recently – sparking claims they are members of a secret society.

Conspiracy theorists claim Illuminati recruits are forced to ‘eat pain’ during high-level initiation rituals.

They claim bruised left eyes – known as ‘Illuminati shiners’ are marks given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the sinister organisation.

Radio host Sherry Shriner – who wrote ‘Interview With The Devil’ – said: “You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line.

“The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called ‘soul scalping'”.

Shriner, who died last year, claimed all of the world’s leaders have been soul-scalped.

She also claimed to have been able to speak to the devil.

Among the celebs to have sported black eyes over the years are Adam Sandler, Prince Philip, George W Bush, and Liz Hurley.

Prince Andrew showed off one in 2017, while Prince Phillip reportedly “woke up” with one one morning in 2013.

Gossip columnist Perez Hilton claimed a black eye was given to him by Polo Molina – the manager of the Black-Eyed Peas.

Pope Francis had a bad eye cut last year, which he attributed to an accident in the ‘Pope-mobile’.

And George W Bush claimed he had been hit in the face by a microphone stand during a speech.

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