More Voter Fraud Uncovered? 45,000 Ballots THROWN OUT in California! Lawsuit Filed.
Donald Trump famously said there were at least 5 million fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election. Although he took a lot of heat for...
Donald Trump famously said there were at least 5 million fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election. Although he took a lot of heat for...
For anyone that needed more evidence about the massive voter fraud in the United States, here it is! The stats were just released and there...
Yes! President Trump is doing everything he can to investigate and stop the 5 million fraudulent votes that many suspect were cast in the...
President Trump won the 2016 against all odds. Literally. The odds were 91% against him even on the morning of election day. The reasons for...
Yesterday we reported on the massive voter fraud in multiple states… …and their refusal to turn over the records to Trump’s administration, as they have requested....
Now what do you think they have to hide? Just about 5 million fraudulent votes, I’d venture to guess! Donald Trump is taking his pledge...
Donald Trump is only 5 months into his Presidency, and he’s already taking drastic steps to drain the freaking swamp! Out today is a breaking...
According to the MSM, voter fraud is not real or in the worst-case scenario, it happens very rarely. But this liberal activist didn’t get the...