UPDATED: The Clinton Kill List: Full list of people “mysteriously dead” after working with Clintons
Let me ask you a question. How many people in your circle of friends or coworkers have turned up mysteriously dead in the course of...
Let me ask you a question. How many people in your circle of friends or coworkers have turned up mysteriously dead in the course of...
Hillary thought she deleted them. Bleached them. Set them on fire. Thought they were gone forever. Didn’t turn them over to the authorities. And now….they’re...
It looks like the scandals may finally be starting to catch up with her. In a bombshell new report, The Gateway Pundit just confirmed that...
Eventually, you can only dodge (or pay off) (or kill your way out of *allegedly*) so many scandals before one catches up to you! Oh...
And the answer might shock you! I suppose it all depends on whether you believe her or not. I mean, surely we can trust what...
How much more evidence do we need before Hillary Clinton is locked up? That’s a serious question. It seems like we have mounds of evidence...
CNN had their panties in a MAJOR wad this morning. Here’s what happened. Donald Trump retweeted this hilarious short video of him hitting a golf...
Is the case to “Lock Her Up” kicking into high gear? We have not forgotten about you Crooked Hillary! When we said “Lock Her up”...
It’s funny how the DNC and it’s leaders always seem to be in trouble with the law. Always running weird computer servers. Always under some...
Well, well, well….what do we have here? More lying Fake News, trying to take our President down. But we don’t let that happen here at...