BREAKING: FBI Just Arrested Five New Mexico Terror Compound Suspects!
They thought they were scott free, but then got slapped with cuffs! This is definitely a bizarre story, and quite frankly the most bizarre part...
They thought they were scott free, but then got slapped with cuffs! This is definitely a bizarre story, and quite frankly the most bizarre part...
The time has come! Many Americans have lost their patience with Jeff Sessions for sitting on his ass and not doing anything to help Trump!...
WOW! To paraphrase Mark Twain: “the rumor’s of Donald Trump’s demise have been greatly exaggerated!” Whenever you turn on the TV or open the paper,...
Turns out Americans don’t care much for FAKE NEWS! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: CNN will not survive 8 years of...
Our President is finally getting involved! Until now, President Trump has very carefully tried to remain “uninvolved” when it came to the FBI and DOJ....
You gotta love the timing. Even as the Deep State has been in full attack mode, pinning bogus (and old!) charges against Mueller and Cohen,...
Donald Trump is the master of branding. Even dopey Paul Ryan is smart enough to know that, so Ryan initially gave the naming rights of...
Is this thing going to take down everybody all at once? It’s starting to look like it! As they say, a picture is sometimes worth...
Eventually, you can only dodge (or pay off) (or kill your way out of *allegedly*) so many scandals before one catches up to you! Oh...
Behold, one of Obama’s DREAMERS. The DREAMERS. One of Obama’s proudest achievements. They’re just little kids, fleeing war-torn countries. They need shelter. Asylum. We...