With Pardon Under His Belt, Sheriff Joe Says He’ll “Go Public” With Info on Obama
Sheriff Joe is a good man. He was wrongfully prosecuted by Obama, for political reasons, and now that President Trump has pardoned him, he’s fighting...
Sheriff Joe is a good man. He was wrongfully prosecuted by Obama, for political reasons, and now that President Trump has pardoned him, he’s fighting...
Oh baby….. A new story just breaking says that Sheriff Joe Arpaio, fresh off his pardon from President Trump, may take his newfound fortune and...
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who holds the title of “America’s Toughest Sheriff” just released a blistering report on Obama’s birth certificate. The report concludes a 5-year investigation,...
He hinted at it earlier this week at the Arizona Rally… And now it’s official: President Trump just pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I love it,...