Unbelievable! The Stupid Excuse Sen. Collins Gave For Voting “No” To Obamacare Repeal
We need to do away with every last one of these Republican RINO traitors! The Republicans have done nothing but chirp about repealing Obamacare for...
We need to do away with every last one of these Republican RINO traitors! The Republicans have done nothing but chirp about repealing Obamacare for...
Now we know more about McCain’s turncoat vote AGAINST Obamacare repeal. After years of campaigning on the promise to “Repeal Obamacare”, Sen. John McCain finally...
Now THIS is something I can get behind! Mitch McConnell, who I rarely agree with on anything, just announced that “Repeal and Replace” is dead...
They say the bigger the lie, the easier it is for it to be believed. Counterintuitive perhaps, but true time and time again. In this...
Trump walked away from the first Paul Ryan Bill because he knew a better one would come along. Looks like it isn’t going to take...
Score another win for the Second Amendment! Trump’s new Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, wasted no time getting right to work. READ MORE >>...