ISIS Fighters Surrender "En Masse" - Trump & Mattis Winning Decisively! -

ISIS Fighters Surrender “En Masse” – Trump & Mattis Winning Decisively!

For 8 years Obama tried to fight ISIS.

For 8 years he failed.

Now I understand some will say he never really tried that hard in the first place.  And they may be right.

Because as soon as we got President Trump in there with his right hand man, General James “Mad Dog Mattis”, things started to change rapidly!  All of a sudden, ISIS started to retreat instead of advance.  They were on the run, instead of pursuit.  They were the hunted, not the hunter.

We started to read headlines like these:

We Just Killed Four More ISIS Leaders! 

As ISIS Loses Ground, Fighters Try to Flee Dressed As Women!

U.S. Forces Just Killed Several ISIS Suicide Bombers!

And now…and even better headline.  From the New York Times, of all places, “ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse”.  And from Church Militant, “THOUSANDS OF ISIS SOLDIERS SURRENDER IN IRAQ”.

Thousands.  Surrender.  ISIS.

It’s about damn time!  Thank you President Trump and General Mattis!  Please keep the pressure on!

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I have always been totally perplexed at how these tribes of people with not a pot to piss in assembled weapons and military prowess strong enough to keep the USA and allied forces at bay for years!  Have you ever wondered that?  It just didn’t make sense.  But I guess if Obama was letting them have free reign, or worse – arming them – then it all starts to make sense, doesn’t it?  You remove their protector, and suddenly Trump and Mattis are draining the ISIS swamp too!

Here are more details, from the Business Insider:

When US-backed Iraqi security forces and Iranian Shia militiascleared ISIS’ final Iraqi stronghold in Hawijah, they met weak resistance and a massive surrender from a once fearsome army.

In 2015 and 2016, ISIS, the terrorist group also known as the Islamic State, carried out suicide attacks around the globe at a historic rate.

The group, founded in June 2014, has long demanded that its militants fight or die, and it often sends young men and even children on suicide-bombing missions.

But as the group weakens on the ground, it seems to have shifted course.

A US Department of Defense release on the battle for Hawijah cites “many sources reporting more than 1,000 terrorists surrendered.”

Unlike the battle for Mosul, once ISIS’ largest Iraqi stronghold, the terrorist group “put up no fight at all, other than planting bombs and booby traps,” Kurdish officials told The New York Times.

Strikingly, the same officials reported that ISIS commanders had ordered their fighters to turn themselves in, on the grounds that the Kurds would take prisoners while other opponents would be harsher.

Indeed, after three years of brutal conflict, the Iraqi Security Forces fighting have admitted to engaging in acts of savagery against defeated ISIS fighters.

In July, Iraqi officers said they took part in extrajudicial killings of many unarmed ISIS fighters, with one vowing a “slow death” as revenge for killing his father.

ISIS territory in Iraq and Syria as of this month. Live UA Map

After suffering defeat after defeat on the ground, ISIS has upped the aggression of its media operation in an attempt to save face. Recently the group released audio it said came from its top leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was rumored to be killed or at least injured by airstrikes.

After last week’s shooting in Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, ISIS also made the dubious claim that the gunman was one of its followers.

US officials have shot this claim down, and ISIS’ claims do not match evidence that has since emerged on the gunman’s preparation for the attack.

This is such an amazing story!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to our President Trump!

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