White House Petition To Declare George Soros a Terrorist and Seize His Assets Is Going Viral - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

White House Petition To Declare George Soros a Terrorist and Seize His Assets Is Going Viral

I love this.

I would be over the moon if this would happen.

Hey, stranger things have happened, remember this?

Ahhhh, good times!  I still love that one.

From election day morning!  In fact, many polls were above 90% for Hill-Rod.

Anyway, my point is, crazy things can happen.  Like what this White House Petition is requesting:

Wouldn’t that be magnificent?

Make it happen!

The petition just went live and already has about 20% of its goal:

I bet we have help make that much higher!   What do you say Trump Train?  Will you help out?

Click HERE to sign the Petition!

And most importantly, please share this article so we can get thousands of people to see it!

Stay connected with Trump News Email … FREE!

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