Trump “Unfollows” MSNBC Hosts on Twitter!
You gotta love this President. He is a real human being, unlike the robot Presidents we’ve had in decades past. Trump is never afraid to do...
You gotta love this President. He is a real human being, unlike the robot Presidents we’ve had in decades past. Trump is never afraid to do...
The looney libs thought they finally had Trump in their snares. They were so giddy. Their poster boy, errrrr sorry, poster girl, Rachel Maddow...
Can you take a guess which one? If you guessed Crooked CNN or Looney MSNBC, you’d have made two very good guesses! In this case,...
Kellyanne Conway has finally broken her silence and lobbed a strong statement back at looney lib Morning Joe hosts. The goofy hosts of MSNBC’s Morning...
Are my eyes and ears deceiving me? I don’t think so, because I’ve watching this clip 5 times to make sure. Yes folks, this...
I’ve been saying it all day, the rats are jumping ship! It’s becoming clear to everyone with half a brain, and even those with less...