Breaking: President Trump Considering Calling a “Camp David Summit”
Despite the fact that the Mainstream Media didn’t really cover it, Trump made history during his overseas trip when he put together a coalition of...
Despite the fact that the Mainstream Media didn’t really cover it, Trump made history during his overseas trip when he put together a coalition of...
Double whammy! Things are going very badly for James Comey and I continue to believe it will end in jail time. New evidence has come...
Well, how about that? The champion of socialism, of everyone giving their “fair share” and the guy who was so mad at those “millionaiiiiires...
When will everyone learn? You attack Trump, it backfires on you! We have countless examples dating back to the primaries (remember old 1% Lindsey Graham?)...
I have to believe this is only the first step in a multi-step process to fix the inept VA, but it’s a very good first...
We covered this story a few weeks back. Two students wore Trump gear for their yearbook photos in high school, only to find out the...
GOOD! They finally got one of these guys! It’s time to send a message: stop threatening our President! Stop creating a fake severed head (Kathy Griffin)....
These protestors are getting out of control. Sure, protests are part of the First Amendment, and we support that. But stop doing it in our...
It looks like President Trump may not have forgotten about that campaign promise after all. Chants of “Lock Her Up” were key moments of every...
Mark this down as another one biting the dust! Another Trump hater, that is. Sure, he probably still is a Trump-hater, but I never expected...