Morgan Freeman Stops Race-Baiting Don Lemon Dead in His Tracks
Don Lemon tried to bait Morgan Freeman into saying the United States was racist. Too bad for him, Morgan Freeman was having none of it....
Don Lemon tried to bait Morgan Freeman into saying the United States was racist. Too bad for him, Morgan Freeman was having none of it....
He threatened to do it, and now it just happened! Here was a tweet President Trump sent out back in January: If Chicago doesn't fix...
It’s about time! The House finally got around to doing something it should have done a LONG time ago! Passing Kate’s Law, the complete no-brainer...
In a surprise move, Greta is leaving MSNBC. It never seemed like a good fit, and her departure from Fox News always felt weird. In one...
President Trump famously told Gen. Mattis to “annihilate ISIS”. Trump told the Mad Dog to stop chasing ISIS from city to city. That’s pointless. He...
Anyone love the Cubs? Or Trump? Or both? What an awesome moment! Watch President Trump host the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs visit President Trump...
Yes!! After months of ridiculous rulings by the goofy 9th Circuit, President Trump’s travel ban is finally going to start tomorrow! I feel safer already....
Any regular readers of this site know that we are no fans of the Pope. He very well may be the False Prophet. At best,...
One of the things I love most about the Trump Train is how diverse we are. When President Trump was running for President, people said...
Donald Trump ordered Rex Tillerson to cut the State Department budget by at least 1/3…in 2018 alone! And Tillerson is getting to work, placing a...