Walmart CEO Backs Trump Over Charlottesville -

Walmart CEO Backs Trump Over Charlottesville

It’s good to see some people still thinking clearly.

In the wake of the cowardly little Merck CEO, Kenneth Frazier, resigning from Trump’s manufacturing council over the Charlottesville situation, we now have a CEO who has decided to stay with Trump.


These people who are blaming Trump over the Charlottesville situation are acting like he was out there holding a pitchfork himself!  The whole thing is so absurd.  What we have here is a Deep State setup from the very beginning, a powder keg of loons all set in motion by the Deep State to create an incident and try to push the blame off on Trump.  It’s the same game plan they run over and over.

Little Ken Frazier bought in hook line and sinker, leaving Trump’s manufacturing council in a big pouty departure.

He said in a statement: “America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy.”

Oh give me a break!  You act like Trump endorsed the Deep State loons – he did nothing of the sort.

Trump fired right back with this beauty:

Now Walmart CEO Doug McMillion has weighed in and confirmed he is STAYING on Trump’s council.

Thank you sir!

Here are more details, from The Hill:

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon says he will remain on President Trump’s business advisory council, although he’s offering criticism of Trump’s response to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

McMillon, a member of Trump’s strategic and policy forum, said in a statement Monday that the president “missed a critical opportunity” to reject white supremacists, but that he believes he “should stay engaged” to influence Trump’s decisions.

“Representing a company with the largest and one of the most diverse groups of associates in the U.S., and an even more diverse customer base of tens of millions of customers, we believe we should stay engaged to try to influence decisions in a positive way and help bring people together,” he said.

“I will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of our associates and customers, and urge our elected officials to do their part to promote a more just, tolerant and diverse society,” McMillon said.

Great work Mr. McMillion, it’s the right move.

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