Trump Administration Working on Freeing 3 Other Americans in North Korea -

Trump Administration Working on Freeing 3 Other Americans in North Korea

Earlier this week, the Trump Administration secured a major victory when it secured the release of jailed student Otto Warmbier.

Details regarding that story can be found here.

It was a great story that unfortunately took a sad turn when it was announced that Warmbier was returning in a coma.  Since his return, his prognosis has not been good.

But more good news has just been released.  The Trump Administration is also working on the release of 3 other jailed Americans from North Korea.  And Trump for sure won’t be paying billions for their release like Obama did with Iran!

Here’s what we know so far in this breaking story:

Thank you President Trump!  You’ve done more in 5 months than Obama ever did!

Read more:  The largest Apple supplier may relocate to Wisconsin!  Can’t Find Enough Land for Massive Factory!

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