Trump Administration Brings Expedited H-1B Processing To A Halt -

Trump Administration Brings Expedited H-1B Processing To A Halt

The Trump administration just announced that they are going to cut expedited H-1B visa processing for six months.

And it’s been a long time coming. The government agency that is in charge of H-1B has been dealing with a pile-up of pending visa applications. Reduce their backlog during this 6-month period will result in shorter wait times for everybody.

Now it will take several months for an H-1B visa to be approved instead of the expedited 15 days. Normally I would oppose creating any more red tape in government processes. With the current situation with ISIS and the very real risk of dangerous refugees coming here, I think it’s a great move to make this review period longer rather than shorter temporarily.

While this agency’s reason for extending the expedited review was to trim down the number of applications waiting on the backburner, it’s worth noting that their move is closely in line with President Trump’s focus on extreme vetting. With more time to review each application and restrictions on processing them faster, our agencies will finally have the tools they need to vet each person coming into this country and keep Americans safe.

Read more at Fox Business:

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said on Friday that starting April 3 it will suspend “premium processing” for up to six months. Under this expedited procedure, applicants can be eligible for visa approvals within 15 days, instead of a regular review period that can last for up to a few months.

The H-1B non-immigrant visa allows U.S. companies to employ graduate-level workers in several specialized fields, including information technology, medicine, engineering and mathematics.

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