Ted Cruz "Likes" A Porno On Twitter, Claims It Wasn't Him - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

Ted Cruz “Likes” A Porno On Twitter, Claims It Wasn’t Him

Ok Cruz-zombies, you’re not going to like this article.

Fair warning up front.

If your a Cruzbot, you might want to eject from this article right now.

Ok, here it goes.

Holier-Than-Thou Ted Cruz just stepped in it big time on Twitter.  Or one of his staffers did, if you buy the official excuse.

Here’s what happened.  The official Ted Cruz Twitter account “Liked” a porno tweet from “Sexuall Posts”.

Here’s what it looked like, with the graphic parts pixelated out:

Ah, Mr. Self-righteous!  Mr. Sanctimonious!  Ted Cruz!  Say it ain’t so, Ted!

If you’re like me, you’re recalling all those times on the campaign trail that Ted Cruz pandered to the religious Cruzbots on the far right and attacked Trump for not meeting Ted Cruz’s high moral standard.


Yeah Ted, here’s the thing.  Donald Trump is busy making America great again!  He’s not watching porno on Twitter.

“Ahhhhhlegedy” watching porno on Twitter.

Because the Cruz campaign has predictably denied that Ted was involved.

This was the official response from the Cruz camp:

And this, from Politico:

“There are a number of people on the team who have access on the account. It appears that someone inadvertently hit the like button. When we discovered the post, which was I guess an hour or two later, we pulled it down,” Cruz (R-Texas) said of the incident. “It was a staffing issue. And it was inadvertent, it was a mistake. It was not a deliberate act. We’re dealing with it internally, but it was a mistake. It was not malicious.”

Of course, the Internet had a hey-day with that, jumping into instant ridicule mode.

This guy wasn’t buying it:

No doubt, the excuse makes no sense.  What report exactly are you making to Twitter?  Are you suggesting Twitter malfunctioned?  LOL!

And in case you don’t know how Twitter works, it’s impossible to “Like” something if you’re not on that page looking at it!

Others mocked:

This one is my personal favorite (try not to die laughing):

Please LIKE + SHARE to bring Ted Cruz down off his high horse!

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