CNN Forced to Retract Story, Admit It Posted “Very Fake News”
CNN has had a rough year. And I continue to predict they will not survive 8 years of Donald Trump. The latest in the saga...
CNN has had a rough year. And I continue to predict they will not survive 8 years of Donald Trump. The latest in the saga...
Donald Trump made a name for himself with his brutally honest Twitter and Facebook feed. So we thought it might be fun to look at...
While he has never been a big Trump fan, Cranston just stood up for our President and the Office of President! And that’s good enough...
I am so proud of both of these men. We have never had such a great President and Vice President duo. Donald Trump and Mike...
If you’re name isn’t Biden, you’re most likely doing at least 5 years in jail for this. I guess it’s good to be the former...
I am so glad the Deep State (Shadow Government) is being exposed! For years, until just the last 6 months, if you talked about the...
Do you want Sharia Law in America? I sure as hell don’t! And millions of other Americans don’t either, because dozens of anti-sharia law rallies...
A lot of rumors have been circulating about the Trump Wall and a lot of bids have been submitted. But the coolest, in my opinion,...
Despite how the left wants to claim Trump is having a bad time as President, that couldn’t be farther from the truth! In reality,...
I think this guy is brainwashed or just braindead, but this is some of the worst advice I’ve heard. He sounds like he’s following...