SPOTLIGHT: Awesome Fan Post on Trump's Paris Speech! Better Coverage Than The Networks! -

SPOTLIGHT: Awesome Fan Post on Trump’s Paris Speech! Better Coverage Than The Networks!

A huge KUDOS to fan Carol Rowsey, who posted this brilliant summary of the Trump Paris speech!

This brilliant summary was posted by fan Carol Rowsey on WeLoveTrump’s Facebook page, and we had to repost it here with a huge thank you and credit to Carol from the brilliant analysis!  Folks, this is the type of unbiased, honest reporting the Media SHOULD be doing.  But they haven’t done so in decades.  It’s now up to us, We The People, to report the news fairly and honestly.  So we will!

We’re copying Carol’s post below because it is so well done!

Will you please help us spread the word?  Trump’s speech was brilliant and it took massive amounts of courage for Trump to make this decision.  Thank you to our America-First President!  He is the President of America, not Paris, and I am so thankful for him!

Here was Carol’s brilliant post:

Just heard TRUMP’S speech. Here are highlights because you won’t hear the true facts through the media.

– wants to consider re-entry or new deal that will protect AMERICA. These deals become more & more intense overtime with intrusion on AMERICAN sovereignty.

– billions & billions of $$$ in loss jobs and closed factories.

– coal continues in foreign countries (China, India) but NOT US.

– 3 trillion $$$ cost to US…unfair.

– loss of jobs by millions & millions.

– take away great wealth of our nation and millions trapped jobless.

– we will not give up coal when China & India will continue-unfair.

-Paris hamstrings US but empowers other countries.

– we will not bow down & give other countries the upper hand.

– I was asked to represent Pittsburgh not Paris.

– Money to redistribute wealth thru Green Climate Fund $100 billion to developing countries but many other countries WON’T PAY.

– We have given 1 Billion already but no one else has paid anything.

– in 2015 UN said 100 billion was peanuts that we were giving but wants 450 billion a year…no one knows where this money is going.

I heard this with my own ears…took notes but hearing the left Liberals interpret his comments were Unbelievable. So sad we have a PRESIDENT that is trying to fight for us but you won’t hear the truth on the media. People do your own research and DON’T LISTEN TO THE LIB LIES.

And for those who would like to watch the full speech now after reading these summary points, here you go:

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