REPORT: Trump May Soon Fire Staff, Pull Old Team Back Together -

REPORT: Trump May Soon Fire Staff, Pull Old Team Back Together

Anyone who has been watching closing has become increasingly concerned about Gen. Kelly and Gen. McMaster.

In fact, many of us don’t quite know what Trump is doing keeping these two around.

They seem to be opposed to the President on many key positions, and on tone and tenor in general (no pun intended).  Simply put, they just don’t seem like good fits for high positions in Trump’s cabinet.

And many of the people who have left, Bannon, Manafort, Gorka and others, seem to be the true Trump supporters who were forced out.

But that may all be changing soon.

According to a new report from Newsweek, Trump might be pulling the old team back together.  Here’s why:

Sebastian Gorka, until recently a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, has predicted that Trump will conduct an imminent cull of his White House team in order to bring back people more beholden to the president’s original agenda.

Gorka was ousted from the White House last month, just days after his former Breitbart News colleague Steve Bannon met a similar fate as part of a shakeup in the wake of John Kelly’s arrival as Trump’s chief of staff. Since coming on board at the end of July, Kelly, a former general, has sought to cut out the numerous voices competing for the president’s attention, restricting access to those who, like Bannon, once regularly dropped by the Oval Office.

Reports have since described Trump as isolated within the West Wing. And Gorka, a self-styled counter-terrorism expert who earned Trump’s admiration with his combative defense of the president in interviews, does not believe the current setup will continue for much longer.

“The president has a very interesting management style,” Gorka told Newsweek Thursday. “He’s comfortable with unusually high levels of creative chaos beneath him because he sees who’s the best fighter and who makes the best argument. But if he feels he’s being poorly served by his lieutenants he allows that frustration to increase until he gets to a point where he takes decisive action. I predict he will take decisive action to get those people around him who are not serving his original platform out of the building and that’s just how he works. I predict that there will be some firings in the near future that come from the president himself when he realizes just how much he needs the old team to be around him.”

President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office of the White House, January 28, 2017 in Washington, DC. Surrounding Vice President Mike Pence are Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer and Mike Flynn, all now gone from the White House. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

As for who those working against the president’s agenda are, Gorka opted not to name names. He stressed that the pushback to Trump’s plans to “Make America Great Again” began long before Kelly came on board and as soon as the political outsider and his small team of allies entered the White House in what he termed “the largest hostile in modern history.”

Since his departure, Bannon has gone back to work at Breitbart, where he claims he will be a “wingman” for Trump’s agenda. Meanwhile, Gorka this week signed up to be chief strategist for pro-Trump super PAC the MAGA Coalition. His first role for the organization will, in a bizarre twist, come this week when campaigning for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, the opponent of Trump-backed establishment-candidate Luther Strange.

Gorka does not attach much significance to Trump’s public stance in the Senate race and said, ultimately, he and Trump are very much on the same page.

What do you think?

Would you like to see these old names and faces back on Trump’s team?

Is it time to boot out Kelly and McMaster?

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