Open Borders Activist George Clooney Moves Out of England Because of "Security Concerns" -

Open Borders Activist George Clooney Moves Out of England Because of “Security Concerns”

From the “You can’t make this shit up department” comes this breaking news headline.

That’s right, Far Left Loon and open borders advocate George Clooney has moved out of England and back to the United States because of “security concerns.”

Wise up Clooney!  Open borders and ISIS migration is destroying civilization!

I think if you want open borders you should be FORCED to live in an open borders society.  No more running back to the good old United States of America where you “feel safe”.  Nope, sorry George!  That ship has sailed.  You can live with the Muslims in England and I pray they impale you on a hot skewer so you can see just how “tolerant” and “loving” they are!

Here’s the breaking story, from Breitbart:

Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexander due to security concerns at his England estate, according to a report.
Life & Style magazine reported last week that the 56-year-old Oscar-winner will move his newly-expanded family to his mansion in Studio City, California, after deeming his 17th century mansion in Sonning, England to be not sufficiently safe for them.

“As soon as Amal found out she was pregnant, he hired former Secret Service agents to assess all his properties and make recommendations for improvement,” an unnamed Clooney “insider” told the magazine. “His mansion in Studio City [Calif.] was deemed the most secure, and it’s within minutes of an LAPD station.”

The insider added that the actor has received “serious” threats against his safety in recent years, as has his wife Amal, whose has in the past called for terrorist groups including ISIS to be prosecuted as part of her work as an international human rights attorney.

“He doesn’t feel like Amal and the twins are safe living in the English countryside,” the source told Life & Style. “He’s determined to move his family to LA, where he feels much more secure.”

The report comes as England has been rocked by terrorist attacks in recent months, including the terrorist bombing of a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester in June that claimed the lives of 22 people, many of them young children.

In May, British government officials disclosed that 23,000 known jihadi terrorists are believed to be residing in Britain, far more than the 3,000 that had initially been reported.

The move for the Clooneys comes as both George and Amal have been among the most vocal and active celebrity advocates for open borders and the free flow of refugees between countries.

In February of last year, the actor met privately with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and praised the German leader’s acceptance of refugees from Syria and other countries. The same month, Clooney told Sky News in an interview that the United States is not doing “enough” to help Syrian refugees, and that 10,000 refugees per year was too low a figure to be admitting into the country.

In an April 2016 interview with the BBC, Amal Clooney criticized then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s plans to build a security wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, telling the outlet that the plan does not represent “U.S. values.”

George has also been an outspoken critic of Trump, telling The Guardian in a March 2016 interview that he believes Trump to be a “xenophobic fascist” and an “opportunist.” He previously described Trump’s immigration policy proposals as “idiotic” and “intolerant.”

Clooney owns several homes throughout the world, including a massive estate in Lake Como, Italy. The actor has previously taken extensive security measures to keep his home in Italy private, and in 2015, local mayor Robert Pozzi reportedly imposed a $600 fine on anyone found trespassing near the actor’s property.

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