CIA, DOJ Just Got Sued by Judicial Watch Over Leaks! -

CIA, DOJ Just Got Sued by Judicial Watch Over Leaks!

This is a positive step in the right direction!

Did I or did I not tell you this story was going to blow up big this week?

Here’s the start folks.

A new lawsuit was just filed by Judicial Watch against the CIA and DOJ over the leaks of classified information.  It is looking like President Trump was RIGHT in his allegations!  There is much more to come on this story!

For now, here are the breaking details from Free Beacon:

The CIA and Departments of Justice and Treasury are being sued by a prominent legal organization for their role in leaking highly classified material as part of an effort to undermine the credibility of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to an announcement.

Judicial Watch, known for its role in exposing former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, announced on Monday that it has sued several federal agencies for information related to Flynn’s discussions with Russian officials before he officially entered the White House.

Flynn was forced to resign from the White House for apparently misleading President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence about the substance of these conversations.

However, the Washington Free Beacon and multiple other news outlets have reported on a campaign by former Obama administration officials and loyalists to spread highly classified information in a bid to handicap the Trump administration.

In addition to Flynn, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House adviser Sebastian Gorka have been the subject of multiple leaks aimed at jeopardizing their positions in the administration.

Judicial Watch sued multiple agencies after they failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests, which must legally be handled by these agencies in a timely fashion.

Read the full story here:

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