Brad Pitt Just Made Every Liberal Furious With His Opinion on Guns -

Brad Pitt Just Made Every Liberal Furious With His Opinion on Guns

Whoa, is Brad Pitt risking his career here?

We all know that HollyWeird will ostracize anyone who does not fall in line, lock, step and barrel (no pun intended!) with their ideology.  So when a major A-list actor comes out with public comments that are conservative, you have to wonder how long before his peers turn on him.  So sad.

That’s what just happened with Brad Pitt.  When asked his thoughts on guns, Pitt shocked many by saying this, according to The Independent:

“There’s a rite of passage where I grew up of inheriting your ancestors’ weapons,” said Pitt. “My brother got my dad’s. I got my grandfather’s shotgun when I was in kindergarten.”

The actor – who was born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri – was first given an air gun, then received a shotgun when he was six. By the time he was eight, he had fired a handgun.

The Radio Times reports that Pitt doesn’t feel that he and his family are safe unless there is a gun in the house.

“The positive is that my father instilled in me a profound and deep respect for the weapon,” he said.

And this isn’t the first time Pitt has gone on the record about his views on guns and gun ownership in America.  After the Aurora movie theater massacre, Pitt made these statements which many (present company not included) found controversial to the Daily Mail:

‘America is a country founded on guns. It’s in our DNA. It’s very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do. I don’t feel safe, I don’t feel the house is completely safe, if I don’t have one hidden somewhere. That’s my thinking, right or wrong.

‘I got my first BB gun (a type of air gun) when I was in nursery school. I got my first shotgun by first grade (aged six), I had shot a handgun by third grade (aged eight) and I grew up in a pretty sane environment.

‘I really feel like I’ve hit the lottery,’ said Brad

‘I was in the UK when the shootings happened and I did hear the discussion about gun control start again, and as far as I know it petered out as it always does.

‘It’s just something with us. To turn around and ask us to give up our guns… I don’t know, we’re too afraid that we’re going to give up ours and the bad guys are still going to get theirs. It’s just in our thinking. I’m telling you, we don’t know America without guns.’

Wow, Brad Pitt sounds very intelligent with these comments.  Spot on Brad!  Please SHARE this article if you agree with Pitt!

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