This Election Season Has Been Crazy! Supreme Court Justices Attacking Presidential Candidates?! WOW! -

This Election Season Has Been Crazy! Supreme Court Justices Attacking Presidential Candidates?! WOW!

justice statue with sword and scale. cloudy sky in the background

WASHINGTON – Remember the good old days, when Supreme Court Justices focused more on interpreting congressional enactments, and less on blindsiding Presidential Candidates? Us too!

Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg recently made it blatantly clear that she isn’t Trumps biggest fan by viciously attacking him in a recent interview.

ABCNews gives us more insight on what exactly was said, and who else is weighing in on Ginsburgs comments…

In a stunning move for a sitting Supreme Court member, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg waded into presidential punditry by hurling several blistering attacks at Donald Trump in recent on-the-record interviews.

Ginsburg, 83, the leader of the court’s liberal wing, called the presumptive Republican presidential nominee “a faker” with zero consistency and an outsize ego, described a Trump presidency as unthinkable and even suggested that she’ll move to New Zealand if he wins in November.

House Speaker Paul Ryan also weighed in Tuesday night, calling Ginsburg’s comments about Trump “out of place” for a judge.

“That shows bias to me,” he said during a CNN town hall. “For someone on the Supreme Courtwho is going to be calling balls and strikes in the future based upon what the next president and Congress does, that strikes me as inherently biased and out of the realm.”


I’ll be the first to congratulate Justice Ginsburg on a long and successful career, one that anyone would be proud to proclaim their own… But as all good things come to an end, perhaps also should her stay as a Supreme Court Justice. Besides, 83 is best spent on a beach, not in a courtroom.

SHARE and comment below. What do you think, is Ginsburg off her rocker? Let us know!


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