Trump Fulfills Big Promise to Veterans! -

Trump Fulfills Big Promise to Veterans!

It has been a very big week for the Trump administration.

One thing that was overlooked and didn’t get enough press was Trump’s big announcement on Veterans and the VA.

Trump promised a lot to veterans and it looks like he has every intention of backing up those promises.

In a big press conference this week, Trump touted this historic breakthrough for the VA.

Take a look:

Here are more details, from ABC News:

President Donald Trump announced new efforts Thursday to use technology to improve veterans’ health care, saying the programs will greatly expand access, especially for mental health care and suicide prevention. Veterans living in rural areas will also benefit, he said.

Initiatives include using video technology and diagnostic tools to conduct medical exams. Veterans also will be able to use mobile devices to make and manage appointments with Veterans Administration doctors.

“We call it ‘anywhere to anywhere’ VA health care,” VA Secretary David Shulkin said. Shulkin said the goal is better health care for veterans wherever they are. He said existing “telehealth” programs provided care to more than 700,000 veterans last year.

A medical doctor, Shulkin wore his white coat to the White House announcement, during which he demonstrated the technologies for Trump.

Trump said, “This will significantly expand access to care for our veterans, especially for those who need help in the area of mental health, which is a bigger and bigger request, and also in suicide prevention. It will make a tremendous difference for the veterans in rural locations in particular.”

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