Trump Email Details MASSIVE WORK Being Done in Preparation for Day 1 in Office! -

Trump Email Details MASSIVE WORK Being Done in Preparation for Day 1 in Office!

The Trump Transition Team is working harder than any other transition in history.  

Totally incredible.  I love how Trump is running this like a business!

An email was released this morning from the Trump Transition Team explaining how much work is being done behind the scenes so that Trump and his team can hit the ground running on Day 1 with appointments and policies!

Yes, the email asks for donations, but that’s because Trump is funding this work out of his own pocket until he is sworn in!  Absolutely incredible!

We only have 27 days until I’m officially sworn in as your next president.

But until then, we have a lot to get done.

We have 4,100 appointed positions to fill.

We’re paying for staff to help assemble our administration in advance so that we don’t waste a single second once we’re sworn in on January 20.

If you want to drain the swamp with me, I need these people in there to shake up Washington.

We want to hit the ground running the second we enter the White House. But we can’t do it unless we put our team together far in advance.

Which is why I need your help right now.

Please make a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $25 or $10 to help fund our TRUMP Transition Team.

We need to ensure we have the best and brightest from every corner of America at the start of the Trump administration.

And it goes well beyond hiring the right people. We’re also working on policies that we can enact on day one.

But now we need your help to finish our transition as strong as possible.

Please make a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $25 or $10 to help fund our TRUMP Transition Team.


Donald J. Trump
President-elect of the United States

READ MORE:  Trump Is a BIG FRIEND of Israel

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