Totally Awesome New Kid Rock Video Should Be His First Campaign Ad! -

Totally Awesome New Kid Rock Video Should Be His First Campaign Ad!

While this is just a music video for his new song, Po-Dunk, it feels to me like a campaign ad….


Check it out and tell me you don’t want to go vote for Kid Rock right now!

It’s badass and I think the people of Michigan are going to eat it up.

Read More:  Kid Rock Hardworking Americans Sick of Politicians Bulls***

Watch out Dems, you’re about to lose another Senate seat… the Kid!

He has a great message, he’s a real American, and he’s tired of all the political bullshit!  Sounds to me like a great ally to Trump and a very welcomed new member to the Senate!  Time to start kicking ass again and taking names!

Do you think Kid Rock has a chance to WIN the U.S. Senate in Michigan?
>> CLICK HERE to cast your vote now!

Enjoy the awesome vid:

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