These Three Celebrities Just Announced: "We Don't Want Trump Supporters As Fans" -

These Three Celebrities Just Announced: “We Don’t Want Trump Supporters As Fans”

Your wish is our command!

Take note, Trump Train, it’s time to spread this article far and wide.

These celebrities just tweeted some vile things, saying they don’t want any Trump supporters as fans.  And they were very nasty about it.

So it’s time we act like gentlemen and ladies and honor their request, don’t you think?

Please LIKE + SHARE to expose the hatred they all just tweeted.  

It all started with Ellen Pompeo.  Lovable little Ellen Pompeo.  Or so I thought.  Nope, turns out she’s pretty angry.  At you!

Take a look:

You got it Ellen, 75 million Trump fans just exited the building of any TV show or movie you’re in!

And Pompeo was just getting started, the hate kept coming:

Then Olivia Wilde got in on the Trump hate.

This is what she posted:

Have you noticed how angry and vile Trump haters always seem to be?

All the swearing and piss and vinegar.  Why are they so angry all the time?  They seem so unhappy!

Wilde was just getting started:

It wouldn’t be a Trump hating Twitter bash without Cher, so Cher then sent this:

And even Don Cheadle joined in:

Don, you were funny in SNL, you should have stuck with that.  Wait, what?  That wasn’t Don Cheadle, that was Tim Meadows?  Hmmmm.

Don wanted to make sure you got the message so he sent this to make very clear he doesn’t like YOU if you’re a Trump supporter:

Ok Trump Train, you know what to do!

Please LIKE + SHARE this Big League so that these stars can get what they ask for!  

How fast do you think we can tank their careers?  GO!

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