Did You Think Hillary's Hair Could Look Worse? Think Again. - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

Did You Think Hillary’s Hair Could Look Worse? Think Again.

Hillary has unleashed the motherload of bad haircuts onto the world through Snapchat. Brace yourself, folks, because it’s about to get real scary in here. 

Hillary posted a video on Snapchat on March 8th, International Women’s Day. And even though this video is thankfully short, she bored me to near tears talking about how “every issue is a women’s issue.” Really? Tell me, Hillary… Is colon cancer a women’s issue? Is saving the polar bears somehow exclusively a women’s issue?

If “every issue is a women’s issue,” perhaps men around the world should just sit back and relax for a little while. According to Hillary, that is.

This Snapchat video also features Hillary’s scary looking pixie haircut. Now, I’m a fan of this hairstyle, but somehow the lack of hair framing Hillary’s face has made her seem even more demented than usual!

Watch at your own risk:

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