Rand Paul Just Revealed a Nasty Bombshell About Obama! - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

Rand Paul Just Revealed a Nasty Bombshell About Obama!

Think you’ve heard the end of Spygate?  Not even close.

The scandal, which Trump famously predicted ahead of time and has now been proven correct, is only continuing to unfold.

Yesterday we learned that now-fired FBI Director James Comey withheld evidence that proved Trump was illegally spied on.  That’s really bad and it’s not over yet!

Today Rand Paul just dropped a major bombshell…..he just announced that Obama spied on him in addition to Trump!  And that’s not all.  Rand Paul also confirmed he knows of at least one other senator who was also wiretapped!

Folks….this is WORSE than Nixon.  Period, hands down.  This is one political party using government methods like wiretaps to spy on the opposite political party.  This should be NATIONAL NEWS for weeks on end. Massive massive scandal.

A few weeks ago Rand tweeted this, and now it looks like he has his answer.  Most definitely, YES he was spied on.

Here’s more of the story, from Political Insider:

Senator Rand Paul, who two weeks ago demanded the White House and intelligence communities provide evidence whether he was under surveillance by the Obama administration, has dropped another bombshell allegation.

Paul now claims he wasn’t the only Senator to be under surveillance by the former administration.

“I know one other senator who’s already confided to me that he was surveilled by the Obama administration, including his phone calls,” Paul told Fox News.

Via Fox News Insider:

This is the first time that Paul mentioned another senator is also concerned about the Obama administration’s surveillance.

He said if this proves to be true, it’s a much bigger story than any allegations about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the presidential election.

“It’s about your own government spying on the opposition party,” Paul said. “That would be enormous if it’s true.”

Paul told Fox Business Network’s Charles Payne on Wednesday that he’s asked the White House and the House and Senate intelligence committees to investigate.

He said if the intelligence community is indeed being used for politics, it’s a “very, very serious crime.”

Read more: http://thepoliticalinsider.com/rand-paul-obama-spying-multiple-senators/#ixzz4hBt9MEDO

What do you think?  STUNNING!

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