PHOTO: Navy Pilots Spark Outrage With Naughty Stunt...You Won't Believe What They Drew In The Sky -

PHOTO: Navy Pilots Spark Outrage With Naughty Stunt…You Won’t Believe What They Drew In The Sky

A Navy flight crew decided to have a little bit too much R-rated, sarcastic fun at the expense of those outdoors on Whidbey Island in Washington. 

The pilots drew a gigantic penis in the sky.

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“The actions of this aircrew were wholly unacceptable and antithetical to Navy core values,” the U.S. Navy said in a statement.

“We apologize” to anyone who was offended, says the document.

The image:

The full – ahem – package of news from Breitbart:

The Navy later acknowledged that an aircrew from Whidbey Island flew an F/A-18 Growler, which was assigned to Electronic Attack Squadron 130, in “an air pattern” over Okanogan County, Washington, that “left a condensed air trail resembling an obscene image to observers on the ground.”

“The Officers and Sailors of the United States Navy are professionals, held to the highest standards, while serving our nation with pride around world,” the Navy said.

The commander of U.S. Naval Air Forces also issued a statement on Friday.

“The American people rightfully expect that those who wear the Wings of Gold exhibit a level of maturity commensurate with the missions and aircraft with which they’ve been entrusted. Naval aviation continually strives to foster an environment of dignity and respect. Sophomoric and immature antics of a sexual nature have no place in Naval aviation today. We will investigate this incident to get all the facts and act accordingly,” Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker said.

“This event clearly stands in stark contrast to the way our aviators and Sailors are performing with utmost professionalism, discipline and excellence from our carrier flight decks and expeditionary airfields around the world today,” he said.

Looks like someone is going to be on PT for quite a while.

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