OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Polled Medical Professionals Go On Record To Say Hillary Clinton Is "SEVERELY UNFIT TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT!" - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Polled Medical Professionals Go On Record To Say Hillary Clinton Is “SEVERELY UNFIT TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT!”

You know it. I know it. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons knows it… Hillary Clinton is sick.  I’m not talking about hay fever, a “light-cough” or occasional vertigo. This woman is completely ill. 

Our friends over at DennisMichaelLynch give a full breakdown on the results of this intriguing poll.

The results of an internet poll from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons was just released Thursday afternoon titled “Concerns About Candidate Health,” where 250 physicians participated.

Over 91% of the physicians polled said they are aware of the questions raised about the impact of past and present medical conditions on Hillary Clinton’s fitness to serve as President, and 66% said if a physician has a concern about a candidate’s fitness to serve for health reason, the appropriate action is to make the concerns known to the public.

A full 78% said the news media is not putting enough emphasis on the concerns about Clinton’s health.

 Almost 71% said their impression of the concerns about Clinton’s health is that it’s serious, and could be disqualifying for the position of President.    Only 20% think the whole thing is overblown, but should be addressed with full release of her medical records.

When asked which of Clinton’s medical conditions were they aware of, 81% said they knew of her previous concussion, but only 58% knew of her cerebral sinus thrombosis, and only 52% knew about her deep venous thrombosis condition.

The majority (71%) said these conditions would influence their vote for President.

Many of the physicians took time to add personal comments to the survey, which are just as revealing.  Below are just a few:

  • In matters concerning patient right of self-determination with regard to healthcare, this is considered sacrosanct except when an overriding public interest is present, in which case the patient is considered to have no such right. Whether one agrees with this dynamic or not, that’s the way the government sees it. This being the case, the public interest will ALWAYS override either privacy rights or rights of self-determination in the case of a presidential candidate. This is simple logic.
  • Have her examined by a forensic physician to see if he can find a conscience…
  • stoke is a serious health concern..coughing fits like that is NOT simply seasonal allergies.. mid cardiac failure or Sandifers syndrome from “keeping all her lies straight” are common among LYING LAWYERS>>>I SEE IT EVERY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Transverse sinus thrombosis and head injury have impaired her ability to function and likely contributed to her poor judgement, along with her Marxist ideology. Video of focal seizures and other abnormal movement behaviors are all over the internet. The most damning argument is her so called loss of memory claimed during her FBI questioning about her email server. She claimed the head injury caused her to lose her memory. Would citizens vote for someone who is having memory problems outright? Do they want Tim Kaine to be president? This is a sticky question since our professional observations and our political opinions can get merged. If I did support her political views, I would still not want to vote for her based on her apparent medical and neurologic fragility.
  • Her records should be made public! She does not have the right to keep the secret with her running for the highest most important job in the land. I a very concerned.
  • Hillary is exhibiting signs of TBI, including memory lapses, disequilibrium, and absence seizures. The job of President of the United States is too important to trust to some one with these health issues. Physicians must speak out about their concerns.
  • She appears to have some sort of uncontrolled seizure disorder – both an absence type as well as partial complex motor. She appears to have balance issues. She has paroxysms of coughing and a what appears to be a biopsy or lesion on her tongue. I have grave concerns of her being CIC with a hand away from the nuclear codes, as it were. We are living in very precarious times.

Read the full article here.


Well folks, there you have it! The professionals have spoken. It’s our job to ensure their words don’t fall of deaf ears. We are doing everything in our power to circulate this information, and we would appreciate all the help we could get on EXPOSING Hillary Clinton for who she really is: A master manipulator who has no business being U.S. President!!

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