LOL: Daily Caller Goes PC, Fires Gay Prankster Milo Yiannopoulos After One Outrageous Editorial (NSFW) -

LOL: Daily Caller Goes PC, Fires Gay Prankster Milo Yiannopoulos After One Outrageous Editorial (NSFW)

Milo Yiannopoulos has been terminated by Daily Caller after his first editorial. 

In the editorial, the controversial conservative LGBTQ pundit wrote that Kevin Spacey is to be (sarcastically) congratulated for toxic behavior toward young boyfriends, and that women’s college basketball is comprised of 98% lesbians with bad body odor.

READ MORE: Hillary’s Career Declared DEAD As Both Sides Condemn Election Rigging! 

Apparently, heads rolled farther upstairs than the writers’ room…

More from The Hill:

The Daily Caller published a column from Yiannopoulos on Friday that ripped Hollywood and actor Kevin Spacey for the explosive allegations that Spacey made sexual advances toward a teenage actor, as well as created a “toxic” work environment on the set of Netflix’s “House of Cards.”

In the piece, Yiannopoulos makes a number of explosive claims, including claiming without evidence that straight people in America are more likely to be fired for their sexuality than LGBT Americans.

“Once upon a time, a teacher might be fired for being gay. These days you’re more likely to be fired for being straight,” Yiannopoulos writes, before going on to mock female basketball players.

“Women’s basketball is 98 percent lesbian, per Stanford player Candice Wiggins, so LeNoir should be grateful for her excommunication,” Yiannopoulos writes about former professional basketball player Camille LeNoir. “The locker room stench must be ungodly enough on its own.”

Yiannopoulos lost the support of billionaire investor Robert Mercer after an explosive BuzzFeed investigation revealed a video of Yiannopoulos singing in a bar surrounded by Richard Spencer and other white nationalists. Many members of the crowd are seen making Nazi salutes.

“I’m disappointed, to put it mildly,” Yiannopoulos wrote Saturday. “Never mind book publishers — even right-wing media these days are spineless in the face of outrage mobs, Twitter protests and frothing establishment Republicans.”

Golly. Maybe Ingersoll just likes college basketball?

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