Former 2016 Presidential Candidate Warns That Obama May Use MARTIAL LAW To Postpone Election -

Former 2016 Presidential Candidate Warns That Obama May Use MARTIAL LAW To Postpone Election

WASHINGTON – Retired Neurosurgeon and one time US presidential hopeful, Dr. Ben Carson, has a chilling warning for Americans: That President Obama may potentially use force, manipulation and technicalities to prevent the coming Presidential election in November… Through means of Martial Law. 

EndingTheFed breaks down how this could potentially be accomplished, and why more than a few high ranking military officials feel unease moving into the next few months:

In one of the most ominous observations ever by a presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson has indicated that he believes there may not actually be an election held in 2016 at all.

He suggests that President Barack Obama may conjure up multiple reasons why it is not “prudent” to hand over the reins of government to someone besides himself in a time of crisis. And there are a number of troubling indications that Carson may be right. Obama has shown himself to be a believer in not letting a good crisis go to waste, even one that is self created……

…. Obama is unpopular with the military and has been drawing down on the overall numbers and replacing current officers with those who have demonstrated personal loyalty and willingness to “walk the line,” even if it has damaged troop morale or capability. In addition, he has suggested that a “civil national security force” would be of value, which seems directed not at outside threats but directly towards U.S. citizens….

…. Maj. Gen. Curry’s final point is something that every American should consider: “Obama is a deadly serious, persistent man. Once he focuses on an object, he pursues it to the end. What is his focus here? … I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, thenation, and our citizens.”

Source article here.

Dr. Ben Carson is an interesting man, who has made more than a few questionable claims in the past, but there is no denying that valid points have been made.

Let’s hear your thoughts, should Dr. Carson’s warning be taken seriously? Should this talk of martial law be heavily considered, or do we dismiss him as quickly as America did his race for the White House? Comment below!

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