The Crooked Media Won't Show You The Packed Trump Rallies, So We Will -

The Crooked Media Won’t Show You The Packed Trump Rallies, So We Will


To paraphrase Mark Twain: “the rumor’s of Donald Trump’s demise have been greatly exaggerated!”

Whenever you turn on the TV or open the paper, all you see are stories about how badly Trump is doing in the ratings.  How he’s losing support.

Well don’t believe it.

Because the pictures and videos at his recent MAGA tour stops tell a vastly different story.

We’re talking packed stadiums up to the rafters!

We’re talking lines to get in wrapped around multiple street blocks and waiting for hours.

Even big name musicians don’t draw this kind of crowd, only Trump!

So when CNN tries to tell you Trump is losing support, just remember the 2016 election.

Remember the election MORNING poll saying Trump was down 91% to 9% (how did that turn out again?)

We told you back then and we’ll tell you again now….their ratings are not just wrong they’re intentionally fabricated!

There’s absolutely no way that Trump goes around the country filling up stadiums of people day after day, week after week, and yet is somehow “unpopular”.

The fact is, Hillary couldn’t fill a high school gym, and Trump fills stadiums.

And now, since pictures and video are worth a thousand words, check it out:

Packed to the rafters!


And now, as our President is so fond of telling us, “I love you Deplorables!”

Do you still support President Trump?  If you do, please SHARE!


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