Why Do So Many Politicians and Celebrities Have Black Eyes?
Ok friends, stick with me on this. I’m not drawing any conclusions or making any claims as to WHAT is behind this. I’m just saying...
Ok friends, stick with me on this. I’m not drawing any conclusions or making any claims as to WHAT is behind this. I’m just saying...
As many conservatives and honest Americans have considered, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) suggested that President Trump was spied on for political reasons during the 2016...
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has a problem: so does the Democratic Party. Her refusal to quell her obvious anti-Semitic bias as well as her disgustingly...
It seems like every time “courts” and Trump are mentioned in the same sentence, these days, the outcome is likely to be a negative one...
Remember all of the Democrats, media members, and Hollywood stars who claimed they would leave the country if Donald Trump were elected? It seems that...
I’m not sure you’re going to like this or agree with it, but Bill O’Reilly has just weighed in with his most recent “advice” for...
It would seem the media outlets are at it again with their “selective” reporting tactics. Stories continue to be reported claiming that absolutely “zero” of...
He said he would do it and BOOM!!! VETO!! And just like that, President Trump issues his first veto of a bill that would have...
The pro-life movement can rejoice after earning a decisive victory against Planned Parenthood, in the state of Ohio, on Tuesday. A majority of the 6th...
Never in the history of our great nation has a sitting president been the target of such media biased ridicule and vitriol as President Trump. ...