Bill O'Reilly Has a Message For President Trump -

Bill O’Reilly Has a Message For President Trump

I’m not sure you’re going to like this or agree with it, but Bill O’Reilly has just weighed in with his most recent “advice” for President Trump.

And in short, he’s telling Trump to change his behavior.

Not sure I agree, but take a look, from BillOReilly:

Stop the feuding, that is my advice to the President of the United States.  The late Senator John McCain, Kelly Anne Conway’s husband, this kind of stuff does not help you.

The democrats, generally speaking, are so crazy it would be to the President‘s advantage to come across as the voice of reason, rather than a taunt-guy.

O’Reilly then cited to another recent article he wrote which underscored how crazy the Democrats have been acting (this I do agree with):

Beto O’Rourke scared the kids recently.  He likes the “Green New Deal” because if we don’t go back to the 18th century we will all be killed by storms or locusts or something.

Mr. Beto apparently believes “Climate Change” will threaten the kids fairly soon and wants unprecedented government regulations to stop that warm feeling.  Yes, Washington, D.C. can reverse all this hot weather by telling Americans exactly what they can and can’t do in their lives.

It is encouraging to see that Mr. Beto has so much confidence in the Washington people.  Maybe because he’s from El Paso, Texas, he stands in awe of the awesomeness of most politicians.  Skeptical that the feds can neutralize climate change?  Nah, not Beto.  He’s seen first hand how well the VA system and Obamacare works.  By all means, let’s have the feds tell Americans how they can travel, what they can eat, what kind of dwellings are acceptable, and how cows are killers.

The far left is now conducting a political seminar on how America really should be run.  In addition to the “Green New Deal,” there should be a “New Deal” for unborn babies.  And that new deal says if you are unwanted for any reason, you can be executed inside the womb at any time.  Beto O’Rourke and others in the progressive movement are fine with that.  Such a deal.

And in order to impose the new deal philosophy on Americans who don’t approve, let’s pack the Supreme Court with more Justices.  Remember that show “Eight is Not Enough?”  Now it’s nine is not enough.  Let’s have 20 Justices or 30.  As long as they all think like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Even though progressives like Mr. Beto and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enjoy mostly favorable media coverage, the folks are wise to what’s going on. The Green New Deal is a big con, a power grab attempt based on the absurd belief that Washington can control the world’s climate.

Yes, all Americans should be environmentally correct.  Don’t litter or waste resources.  But we have a right to live our lives without Beto O’Rourke coming to our neighborhoods and scaring the young uns.

Finally, I have a new deal for the fanatical progressive movement: wise up and nix the nonsense.  That’s what will really cool things down.

If you miss Bill, don’t miss his new book that was just released.

You can find it here:

Now, let’s get back to Bill’s original point.

Does President Trump need to change his tone?

Does he need to do things differently?

Our friends over at WeLoveTrump recently wrote a great article on this, and I absolutely agree with it!

Take a look:

And here’s what else I want to talk about…..his tone.

Since 2015, people are constantly telling Donald Trump how he needs to change and how he can “do it better”.

Lightweight Republicans say things like:  “I wish President Trump wouldn’t make comments like this.”

Or:  “President Trump needs to work on his tone.”

Or:  “President Trump is not acting Presidential.  If he’d just tone it down a little bit, his message would go over much better.”

I have one word for you all….SCOREBOARD.

Any of you ever play sports?

Or watch sports?

What’s the only thing that matters at the end of the game?

The scoreboard.

Look up at it.

The losing team always has a lot of “buts” and “ifs” after a loss.  “If only this one play had been different, and then these other two things would have changed a little bit, we would have probably won!”

But you didn’t.

It’s the same thing in politics and even in life.


All of these armchair quarterbacks who want to tell Donald Trump how to “do it better” make me laugh my ASSSSSS off!

Some liberal making $35/hr wants to write an article criticizing Trump and telling him how he should change to do it better?

Some lightweight Republican who’s probably not even had 1% of the success of Donald Trump wants to tell him he could be more effective if he changed his tone or didn’t make comments like this?


Give me a freaking break!

The man rose to become a multi-billionaire.  That’s billionaire with a B.

Then he starred in one of the most successful TV shows of all time for what was it, 15 seasons?  By the way, it tanked after he left.

Then he decided at age 70 he’d run for President…..and he won!

He defeated the Bush political machine, the Clinton political machine, an incumbent Obama administration that we now know was actively working against him, and 17 Republican challengers!

He’s 1 for 1 winning the Presidency.  That’s a 100% win rate.

And he did it with NO political experience.

He’s in such an exclusive club that you can call him #45 and everyone knows what it means (no, not Jordan after his comeback).  It means he’s only the 45th person in history to ever be head of this country since 1776!

What are you doing with your life?

So to EVERYONE who wants to critcize this man and tell him how he can do it better, you’re only kidding yourself.

He knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s doing it at a level we’ve never seen before.

It’s pure poetry and motion, and those criticizing just aren’t smart enough to understand the genius behind the man.

Many won’t even begin to understand it until he’s been retired for 10 years after leaving office in 2024, and then they’ll start to look back and piece it all together and realize he put forth one of the most masterful performances we’ve ever seen.

And all the losers talking about his “tone” will be long forgotten in the annals of history.  LIke a fart in the wind, poof!  Gone!

But #45 will stand in history as one of the best of all time.  

I’d love to hear what you think!

Do you agree with Bill O’Reilly or do you agree with the article from WeLoveTrump?

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