LOL: Over 50K People Sign Petition Demanding J.K. Rowling to Allow Muslim Refugees to Live in her MASSIVE Mansion! -

LOL: Over 50K People Sign Petition Demanding J.K. Rowling to Allow Muslim Refugees to Live in her MASSIVE Mansion!


If you weren’t familiar, author of the Harry Potter series J.K. Rowling is a leftist nut who’s more concerned about the feelings of Muslim refugees than she is the well being of her own people. Constantly attacking those who do not agree with her on Twitter and thinking of herself as some sort of champion of the “people,” she’s about as extreme and logically challenged as they come.

Well, the internet soon tired of Rowlings smug and ‘better than you’ attitude, and an epic Petition was created.

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HEATSTREET has the full Petition below:

The petition declared: “J.K. Rowling has often announced her solidarity with Middle-Eastern refugees on Twitter. She is a well-known advocate of open borders and often stated, that Europe has the duty to give every single one of these refugees from all over the middle east—rarely war zones—asylum and welfare….

The petition continues:  “We demand that J.K. Rowling grants no less than 18 refugees shelter in her mansions for at least 8 years. She rejects safe immigration, which is why we also demand, that there will be no additional vetting process for these refugees. Her virtue-signaling stems from ignorance, and the 100% effective cure of it will be this drastic change of perspective.

“To make this group of refugees representative of the situation in Europe, we also demand that the group consists of 14 men and 4 women, since over 75% of the millions of refugees are male.”

The petition, which has 50,506 supporters, has evidently struck a chord with signatories including right wing warriors Paul Joseph Watson and Raheem Kassam.

Original Source.

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