ANOTHER Witness Set to Testify Against Hillary Suddenly Dead -

ANOTHER Witness Set to Testify Against Hillary Suddenly Dead

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.  Witness with critical evidence against Hillary Clinton dies suddenly.  Well it’s happened again.  In fact, it’s happened so much that there’s a “Clinton Kill List” which contains the list of everyone suspected to have been killed by the Clintons.  Sorry, “died under mysterious circumstances”.

The latest is former U.N. President John Ashe.  Reports are either that he died of a heart attack or from a weight lifting accident.

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Americans have trouble trusting the Clintons for many reasons, but near the top of the list is the infamous “Clinton kill list,” featuring the names of people close to Hillary and Bill that have died under mysterious circumstances.

Now, it appears that yet another name has been added to this list.

Former U.N. President John Ashe was reportedly found dead last Wednesday. Officials claim he died of a heart attack, but others suspect foul play. The Conservative Tribune reports that local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York argue that Ashe died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.

Ashe’s death became even more suspicious when police learned that he was scheduled to be in court Monday with Chinese businessman and co-defendant Ng Lap Seng. Ashe reportedly received $1 billion in donations from Seng during his term as president.

Let’s see, mysterious circumstances, heart attack, sudden dead, that reminds me of someone else.  Oh yeah, Justice Scalia.  The routine is starting to wear thin.  Might be time for some new strategies!  Or just let people live.  But that’s just our opinion.

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