WINNING: Justice Department Declares Obamacare Unconstitutional -

WINNING: Justice Department Declares Obamacare Unconstitutional

This past couple of days must be Donald Trump following through on his promise that you’ll be “tired of winning,” because the victories keep pouring in.

First, ISIS was officially defeated. Not long afterward,  Robert Mueller released his report at long last – and completely exonerated Trump. The Trump administration subsequently sent a memo to TV producers trolling them, cautioning them against having guests on their programs that were dead wrong about the Russia investigation.

Then the former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti announced he’d be holding a press conference to release damning revelations about Nike – which was immediately followed by his arrest on extortion charges (among others).

And then in a reversal, the DOJ decided to shred Obamacare. According to

The Justice Department now believes the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, a reversal from its position this past summer when the government said changes to the individual mandate were unconstitutional but severable from the whole law.

A Justice Department filing Monday night said the government believes a district court judge’s ruling that the entire Obama-era health care law is unconstitutional should be affirmed. Main Justice has a long tradition of defending the constitutionality of federal laws, and, while there are exceptions, it’s rare for the department to refuse to defend federal statutes.

The Trump administration is backing the DOJ’s decision (obviously).

And then after all that, the Pentagon authorized $1 billion for border construction at the Mexico border this morning!

At this rate, Hillary Clinton will be in prison by the end of the week (just kidding – but fingers crossed).

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