(WATCH) Leftist Nutcase Challenges Sean Hannity to a FIGHT - MMA Style! - AmericaFirstPatriots.com

(WATCH) Leftist Nutcase Challenges Sean Hannity to a FIGHT – MMA Style!


Sean Hannity loves to ask his audience their thoughts on his show, but I’m not sure if he’s ever been challenged to a fight before. His response his brilliant though!

He also asks the question, “Should President Obama come clean for his involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election?”

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It’s painfully obvious at this point that Barack Obama had YUGE influence during the 2016 presidential election (both publicly and behind the scenes). Past publicly bashing and mocking Donald Trump, Obama’s administration literally attempted to sabotage our 45th President with wiretaps! Sick stuff.

What do you think.. Is it time Obama admits his wrongs and comes clean about his involvements and wrongdoings? Comment below!


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