It Looks Like President Trump Already Has a New Slogan in Mind for 2020... And It's PERFECT!! -

It Looks Like President Trump Already Has a New Slogan in Mind for 2020… And It’s PERFECT!!

In 2016, we all fell in love with “Make America Great Again!”

Those four little words helped spark a massive revolution. It united American’s across the country, from East to West to support the FIRST true patriot to run for office in generations: Donald J. Trump. And incredibly, against all odds and naysayers, we successfully voted President Trump into the White House!

Before even taking presidency, President Trump has absolutely crushed it! Dozens of companies and thousands of jobs are staying in America because of this single individual. He’s accomplished so much already, we can only imagine how prosperous the next 4 years are going to be for our nation.

And it seems that President Trump has already thought of a brilliant new campaign slogan for his 2020 run…

“Keep America Great!”

Simple. Powerful. Beautiful! And I can’t wait to recast my vote for you in 4 years, Mr. President!

Politico has even more on the story here.

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