Trump To Start Penalizing Government Agencies That Miss Deadlines! -

Trump To Start Penalizing Government Agencies That Miss Deadlines!

As a builder and real estate magnate himself, Donald Trump knows just how terrible it is to try and build anything in America.

The worst part is all the government red tape.  So you had to expect that once we rose to the highest office in the land, he would start eliminating all of the regulatory garbage that has far too long been holding our country back.

And now he has.

As a part of the wildly successful Infrastructure Week, President Trump announced he would be creating two new departments whose sole job is to speed up infrastructure projects and get America building again!  It will also fix our badly dilapidated roads, bridges and highways, many of which haven’t been fixed in decades and are clear safety risks.

My favorite part of the announcement, however, is that President Trump will start penalizing and fining government agencies that continually miss deadlines and slow things down!  YES!  Trump is making government start to work like private business, and I love it!  Either perform or suffer the consequences!  For too long, the problem with government is there are no consequences.  Work is terrible and no one cares because government employees have no goals, no incentive to do any better.  In fact, the longer they work and the slower things take, the more they get paid!  No more.

Here’s the recent report, from Fox Business:

President Donald Trump on Friday pledged new efforts to speed approvals for highways and other projects as part of his proposal for a $1 trillion boost to fix aging U.S. infrastructure.

At the U.S. Transportation Department, Trump said his goal was to solve “one of the biggest obstacles to creating this new and desperately-needed infrastructure – and that is the painfully slow, costly and time-consuming process for getting permits and approvals to build.”

Trump said the White House is moving ahead with “massive permit reform” and setting up a new council to help project managers navigate bureaucratic hurdles. “This Council will also improve transparency by creating a new online dashboard allowing everyone to easily track major projects through every stage of the approval process,” Trump said.

He said the council will make sure that any federal agency that “consistently delays projects by missing deadlines will face tough, new penalties. We will hold the bureaucracy accountable.”

The White House is also creating a new office in the Council of Environmental Quality “to root out inefficiency, clarify lines of authority, and streamline federal, state and local procedures so that communities can modernize their aging infrastructure without fear of outdated federal rules getting in the way.”

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the department is asking for public input on other changes it can make to speed approvals.

Trump said it took “four years to build the Golden Gate Bridge and five years to build the Hoover Dam – but today it can take 10 years just to get the approvals and permits needed to build a major infrastructure project.

The Republican president, who was a New York-based real state developer before taking office, has repeatedly decried the process of winning approval for highway permitting. “It includes 16 different approvals involving 10 different federal agencies being governed by 26 different statutes,” Trump said.

He spoke in front of two huge charts detailing the hurdles to build highways and held up a massive report that he said was needed before a Maryland highway was built.

How can a country prosper under such restraints?” Trump asked. “Why should we continue to accept what is so clearly unacceptable? I was not elected to continue a failed system – I was elected to change it.”

The administration proposes $200 billion in government funding over 10 years as part of a goal of getting $1 trillion in public and private infrastructure spending.

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