TRUMP RULES: Exit Polls Show Large #MAGA Turn-out In Alabama Special Election! -

TRUMP RULES: Exit Polls Show Large #MAGA Turn-out In Alabama Special Election!

Exit polls in Alabama are showing that nearly 1-in-3 voters cast their ballots in support of Donald Trump in today’s special election for U.S. Senate.

In contrast, only 1-in-7 Alabama voters approve of Mitch McConnell’s job performance as Majority Leader!

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30% of voters in early-polled urban districts came out in support of Democrat Doug Jones. Possibly not the number Jones was looking for.

More from CNN:

President Donald Trump has a divided approval rating among Alabama voters on Tuesday: An even number approve of his job performance vs. disapprove of his job performance in preliminary exit polls.

Three in 10 voters say they cast their ballots to express support for Trump, 2 in 10 said they voted to express opposition to Trump. Nearly half of voters said the President did not play a factor in their Senate vote on Tuesday.

Still, a majority of Moore supporters in preliminary exit polling said they cast their ballots to show support for Trump.

Preliminary exit poll results show stark divides based on race in the US Senate race in Alabama. Nearly 6 in 10 voters for Democrat Doug Jones were black in these preliminary exit polls, but 9 in 10 Moore voters were white. A slim majority of voters for Moore were white men.

Voters continue to be nearly evenly divided on a host of questions about the two candidates in Tuesday’s election.

Alabamians are evenly split on whether they view Jones favorably, while Moore’s favorability rating is underwater by double digits in preliminary exit polling.

Nearly 1 in 10 voters say they had unfavorable views of both candidates in the race.

Voters are also essentially evenly divided on whether Moore and Jones share their values or not. Slim majorities of voters have unfavorable views of both parties.

Meanwhile, just 1 in 7 voters say they have a favorable view of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in preliminary exit polls. A broad 7 in 10 voters said they view him unfavorably.

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